We're here in Utah visiting our daughter, Susan, and her family. She has five lovely girls: Casey, Jessica, Brooklyn, Lindsey, and Alexis. Since we don't see them very often, I was looking for ways we could connect with them in the short time we are here.
The "Daring Dortch" Girls! |
Yesterday morning we went to an activity center, where the older girls, Susan, and I did the rope course....it was fun, and a new experience for me, Jessica, and Brooklyn, so we had something to share right there. I had suggested that the girls bring their suits with them, and Susan and I brought them back to the hotel for some swimming in the indoor pool after lunch.
But on the way we stopped at
American Quilting, a store in North Orem that I had located while browsing on the 'Net on Friday night. Of course, they were having a Thanksgiving sale....and when one of the girls said "What are we doing here?" I got an idea.
"We're shopping for Christmas fabric for you.....I'm going to make each of you a Christmas pillowslip for your bed when I get home, and I'll mail it to you."
"Can we each pick out our own fabric.?".......it was amazing how much more interested they were in the store once they determined they could. These were the fabrics they found:
We consulted on color choices for the "cuff" and accent strip.....I think they did a great job. Casey went straight for the graphic christmas ornaments, Jessica and Brooklyn each liked the "presents" in different background colors, Lindsey immediately pulled out the Santa Claus fabric, and Lexie (age 3).....just grabbed bolts of fabric and smiled at me.
I'm going to have great fun making these up, and remembering our trip....and I hope the girls will remember our visit when they sleep on them. Our "swimming expedition" turned out, well, swimmingly, and we all enjoyed the thrill of getting in a warm pool indoors when it's not "swimming weather"....
Last night we got to celebrate Alexis' birthday with pizza and a birthday cake that she got to decorate. It is such fun to spend these simple, important times with family.
Lexie had a great time opening her present: she was thrilled to get a "box"....which is why the older girls are laughing so hard. "A box, I got a box" she kept saying. "I love it". Oh, to be 3 again.........
Casey and Jess, "amused" by their little sister
I'm so happy we decided to come this weekend; we've been planning this trip for over two years, and "life has happened" to keep us away.....just a reminder that life is too short to let these precious times get past us. By the time we get home we'll be on the real countdown to Christmas....and I've definitely got some sewing to do!
Have a great week, Kathy